YSP 20 Year Celebration - June 6, 2011

YSP celebrates its 20th year in 2011. To commemorate this occasion, we are inviting all students, volunteers, alumni, teachers, PIs, and supporters of YSP to join us at a day-long symposium on June 6th, 2011 at Washington University. We hope to encourage connections and discussion among those that have helped YSP become the success it is today.
For additional information and to register, please visit the YSP website: http://ysp.wustl.edu
MORNING SESSION - 8:30-11:30
Farrell Learning and Teaching Center
Coffee and breakfast available in FLTC lobby
Welcome - Dean Larry Shapiro
Presentations by:
Dr Jim Mc Carter, Dr Lynn Bry, Dr Matt Schreiber - Founders of YSP
Dr Bart Bartlett - YSP Summer Focus Participant (1995)
Lesley Rankin - YSP Summer Focus Participant (2008)
Rona Robinson-Hill - YSP Teacher and Researcher Partnership
Dr Andrew Grillo-Hill - Former YSP Graduate Student Director
12:30-3:00 Farrell Learning and Teaching Center
Roundtable Discussion
Connecting Teachers, Volunteers, and Students to Influence the Next Generation of Scientists
Lunch Break
YSP Product Fair and Posters in the Farrell Lobby
3:30-5:30 Eric P. Newman Education Center, Main Auditorium
Yolanda George - AAAS
Dr Barbara Schaal
Dr Bruce Alberts
Closing Remarks and Acknowledgements
The Ellen S. Clark Hope Plaza at BJCIH
Speaker profiles:
Keynote speaker: Dr Bruce Alberts, University of California San Francisco
Dr Alberts has been widely involved in science education nationally and internationally. As a member of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr Alberts helped develop the National Science Education standards with a focus on hands-on problem solving and inquery based learning. He has worked with the InterAcademy Council to promote scientific thought worldwide. In addition to the many accolades and honors he has received as a molecular biologist and biochemist, he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Science magazine and has written the textbook The Molecular Biology of the Cell.
Featured speaker: Dr Barbara Schaal, Washington University in St Louis
Dr Schaal is distinguished both as a scientist and a mentor. A fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Academy of Sciences, Dr Schaal’s service reaches from local to international societies. She has received the Distinguished Faculty Award from Washington University for her scientific and mentoring excellence. Dr Schaal has a strong connection to science education at all levels, including serving as a mentor for YSP’s Summer Focus program.
Yolanda George, American Association for the Advancement of Science
As Deputy Director and Program Director of the AAAS Education Programs, Ms. George works to increase the participation of minorities, women and disabled persons in science and engineering. She has developed and directed numerous programs reaching students of all ages from pre-college through graduate school. In addition to promoting formal science education, Ms. George is heavily involved in scientific outreach, directing programs such as Science Linkages in the Community and Science Education Reform for All. She has authored or co-authored papers, pamphlets, and science manuals to encourage parental involvement in promoting science and math and on the use of inquiry based learning in youth organizations. She has received several awards because of her service and support of these efforts.
Dr Bart Bartlett, University of Michigan
In 1995, as a budding scientist, Bart Bartlett participated in the Young Scientist Program. The research he conducted that summer at Washington University convinced him to pursue a degree in chemistry after graduating from Metro High School in St Louis. While pursuing a BS in Chemistry at Washington University, Dr Bartlett was an American Chemical Society scholar. Since his years at Washington University, Dr Bartlett has developed a successful career in chemistry, becoming an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan in 2008. He continues to support the development of young scientists as a professor and mentor to undergraduate and graduate students.
Dr Matthew George, Jr, Howard University
Dr George serves as the Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Howard University in Washington, DC. He received his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley and has gone on to study a wide range of research topics related to gene evolution, expression and interaction in various biological processes. He is highly involved in the education of graduate students at Howard University in mentoring, administration and teaching. Dr George is featured in the “Science in American Life” exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.
Dr Andrew Grillo-Hill, Science & Health Education Partnership at the University of California San Francisco
Andrew received his PhD in Neuroscience in 2004 and was a postdoctoral scholar at the Center for Inquiry in Science Teaching and Learning, both at Washington University in St. Louis. During his graduate training, Andrew was student coordinator of YSP. He is currently an academic coordinator for the University of California-San Francisco’s Science and Health Education Partnership (SEP), a program founded by Drs Bruce Alberts and David Ramsay. SEP reaches out to classrooms in the San Francisco area providing teachers and underrepresented students with hands on science learning experiences in the classroom and in the laboratory.
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