Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The YSP Endowment For Science Literacy

As the year comes to an end, we hope you will consider making a contribution to the YSP Endowment for Science Literacy. The endowment is an effort for YSP to establish a permanent source of funding to rely on when we are not grant funded or to use for special YSP projects. For more information or to make a contribution visit the YSP website at: http://ysp.wustl.edu/
and click on the endowment link.

YSP Nano Medical School Features Dr. Cynthia Wichelman

On December 8th, the YSP Nano Medical School featured Dr. Cynthia Wichelman. Dr. Wichelman is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Washington University and a Fellow in the American College of Emergency Physicians. For eleven years she has directed the nationally recognized Mini Medical School. She also teaches both the medical students and undergraduate students and has received several teaching awards. Our evening with Dr. Wichelman featured dinner followed by a talk entitled "Chest Pain in the Emergency Room: What Happens When You Have a Heart Attack".

YSP and AWIS Host Women in Science Day

The Young Scientist Program and the Association for Women in Science - St. Louis hosted the 4th annual Women in Science Day. Approximately 100 women from the St. Louis City Public Schools (Carnahan, Cleveland, Gateway, Roosevelt, and Soldan) visited Washington University - Danforth and Medical campuses. Students participated in tours, activities, and demonstrations geared at exposing them to science/medicine.

Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America's Women Physicians

In September, YSP partnered with the Bernard Becker Medical Libary to host 3 fieldtrips from Central VPA, Metro, and Career Academy high schools to visit the exhibit "Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America's Women Physicians". This is a traveling exhibit that tells the story of how American women who wanted to practice medicine have struggled over the past two centuries to gain access to medical education and to work in the medical specialty they chose. In addition to visiting the exhibit, students participated in tours and science demonstrations presented by the Young Scientist Program.
