Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Spotlight on YSP Volunteers

In November 2008, YSP Volunteer and Neuroscience team head - Gerry Kress attended the Society for Neuroscience Meeting in Washington D.C. and presented a poster: “Neuroscience doctoral candidates take brain awareness to native american, hispanic and other high school students”

In December 2008, YSP Volunteer and Chemistry team head, Abby Buchwalter, presented a YSP poster and lead a presentation about the Young Scientist Program at the annual American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) meeting in San Francisco.

YSP Faculty Advisor, Dr. Tom Woolsey, receives the 2008 Science Educator Award from the Society for Neuroscience

YSP Faculty Advisor, Dr. Tom Woolsey, received the 2008 Science Educator Award from the Society for Neuroscience. The Society for Neuroscience instituted the Science Educator Award in 2003 to recognize excellence in promoting neuroscience literacy and contributions made to public information about neuroscience. The award is made to a neuroscientist who has made significant contributions to educating the public about the field. Dr. Woolsey is a dedicated and skilled educator, with far-reaching involvement in the St. Louis community, including serving as the Faculty Advisor of the Young Scientist program, past course Director of medical neuroscience course in the Washington University Medical School, and Co-instructor of the undergraduate “Principles of the Nervous System” course.

YSP and the St. Louis Public School district were honored ...

On October 10, 2008, YSP and the St. Louis Public School district were honored for their long-term collaboration at the Homer G. Phillips Public Health Lecture. This award recognizes community-based organizations that have made a significant contribution to the underserved or disadvantaged in St. Louis. YSP Volunteer, Dr. Matthew Ndonwi and Shirley Brown from the St. Louis Public School District accepted this award on behalf of YSP and St. Louis Public Schools.

Women in Science Day

YSP and AWIS (Association of Women in Science – St. Louis) hosted the third annual Women in Science Day on Wednesday, November 5th. Women in Science Day was an exciting one day workshop event that invited 120+ young women plus teachers from St. Louis City Public School high schools (Career Academy, Central VPA, Gateway, McKinley, Metro, Roosevelt, and Vashon) to the Washington University campuses (Danforth and Medical) for hands-on activities and tours of Washington University facilities. The young ladies also participated in a “Getting Ahead” Career panel. Panelists represented a variety of scientific careers. Women in Science Day was another huge success and we will continue to hold this annual YSP/AWIS event.